April 24 – God Loves All

Introduction: Today we would be concluding on our Study of Ps 139. In our study so far, which of the following is most significant to you – God knows everything you think and feel, God is always with you or God created you in your mother’s womb? Why?

[Read Psalm 139:19-24]

1. Likely David wrote this Psalm soon after becoming king. How does David describe those who don’t view and honor God as he does?

2. Why does David hold such negative feelings towards them?

3. As king, David is responsible to love and serve the people but also to maintain justice. What does that create for David as revealed in verse 23?

4. Discuss what it might have been like to “sit in David’s throne” as ruler and judge.

5. How do you think God views a sinner and the sin committed? Are you able to separate the sinner from the sin?

6. What tension have you experienced while hating what someone does while still knowing you should love them with the love of Christ? Do you have an example without naming names?

7. What was David’s desperate plea? What might that tell you about his attitude towards and dependence upon God?

8. Why is it so important we grasp and maintain this same posture before God today?

Wrap up:Are there any “anxious thoughts” you need to look to Lord for help and guidance?