MAY 1 – Dealing with Loss

​One thing is true, we all deal with difficulties, trials and suffering. This month, we would be learning how God uses trials to fortify faith and further the cause, comfort and reality of Christ. Hopefully we would understand victory and intimacy with Jesus in tough times.

1. What does it mean that Job was “blameless and upright”?

2. What does it mean that the Lord, not Satan, initiates the testing of Job? What limits does God place on Satan?

3. Had you been Job, how would you have reacted after all these losses? What might be your greatest question to God?

4. How did Job view his possessions?

5. How do you react to Job’s response to his misfortune?

6. In what ways can you identify with Job’s losses? How did that challenge your faith?

7. What in Job’s response strikes you as most extraordinary? How would you have responded to similar circumstances?

8. How is Job’s temptation like and unlike Jesus’ temptation?

Wrap up:

Job loved God more than ____________. After all his losses, as difficult as it may have been, he responded by worshipping God.

What can you praise God for right now? How can you worship Him in your present circumstances?