April 17 – God Creates All

Read Psalm 139:13-18

In our Last study, we learned that God sees all. There is nothing that is hidden from God. More importantly we learned that God doesn’t necessarily see you as an individual, the way you see yourself. Today we continue our study of Ps. 139.

1. What are some words to describe God if all you knew about Him was from these verses?
2. Why does God know you so well? How well does He know each of us?

3. What images does David use to describe God’s creation of Him in verses 13 and 15? Discuss what insight these images portray about your creation.

4. When did God first establish relationship with each of us? What does this say about the unborn?

5. How does David respond in v. 14? Why? And what might this tell us about how we should respond to the way God created each of us?
6. How do these verses tell you about your value to God?
7. How well does God know your future?

8. What difference should that make in the way we make choices? What type of attitude towards His Lordship (leadership) should this encourage?

Wrap up:Are there things you have difficulty accepting about yourself…the way you were created? In light of Jesus love, acceptance and forgiveness and how He thinks of you (v. 17) how might that help?