Apr 10 – God Sees All

In our Last study, we learned that God knows all about us, loves us and willing to remain our friend in spite of our shortcomings. How have you been making yourself a better friend? Today we continue our study of Ps. 139.

Read Psalm 139:7-12

1. What are some words to describe God if all you knew about Him was from these verses?

2. Discuss the 3 ways or “contrasts” David uses to point out that God is everywhere.

3. How do people try to avoid or run from God? And for what reasons?

4. Have you ever tried to get away from God? Why?

5. We may not be able to get away from God but what might we do to hold God at a distance?

6. How might you expect God to treat those who try to get away from Him?

7. What do you think might be David’s purpose in asking the questions in verse 7?

8. What do verses 11-12 say about God’s ability to transform even the most hopeless situations?

Wrap up:

Is there anything in your life to benefit by exposing it before God’s light?