Author: rccgaugusta

  • May 29 – Impact of Thoughts and Feelings

    Read Mat 12:33-37, Introduction: Today we are going to firstly, highlight how we THINK about a situation impacts how we FEEL about it which impacts our BEHAVIOR. Secondly we are going to explore how thinking about a situation in a different way can change the whole experience of our feeling and behavior. Our thoughts have…

  • May 22 – Sharing God’s Comfort

    Share a time you were sick as a child. What act of care did you most appreciate? [Read 2 Cor. 1:1-11] Paul’s difficulties led him to depend all the more on God. 1. How is God described…what attributes are mentioned here? 2. By whom have you seen these attributes of God played out in your…

  • May 15 – God in the Midst of Brokenness

    Read Romans 8:18-39 1. Talk about some present sufferings all of society is experiencing. And sufferings Christians are experiencing for their faith. 2. What might a world like ours be like if there were no more death and decay? 3. When have you felt a “groaning” in your spirit to see the final victory over…

  • May 8 -The Spiritual Fruit of Trials

    Text: James 1:1-18 1. Looking at ver.2-4, what should be a Christian’s attitude when facing trials? 2. What are common natural responses we have when facing trials? 3. What spiritual ‘fruit’ can come from trials? (vs. 4) Can you think of other benefits arising from difficult circumstances? 4. How does a person receive “Wisdom”? Share…

  • MAY 2024 – Mental Health Awareness

    Welcome to the May 2024, Month of Mental Health Awareness. ‘Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. ‘ Matthew 11:28 Mental Health Awareness is the ongoing effort to reduce the stigma around mental illness and mental health conditions by sharing our personal experiences. Often, because…

  • MAY 1 – Dealing with Loss

    ​One thing is true, we all deal with difficulties, trials and suffering. This month, we would be learning how God uses trials to fortify faith and further the cause, comfort and reality of Christ. Hopefully we would understand victory and intimacy with Jesus in tough times. Read Job. 1:1-22  1. What does it mean that Job…

  • April 24 – God Loves All

    Introduction: Today we would be concluding on our Study of Ps 139. In our study so far, which of the following is most significant to you – God knows everything you think and feel, God is always with you or God created you in your mother’s womb? Why? [Read Psalm 139:19-24] 1. Likely David wrote…

  • April 17 – God Creates All

    Read Psalm 139:13-18 In our Last study, we learned that God sees all. There is nothing that is hidden from God. More importantly we learned that God doesn’t necessarily see you as an individual, the way you see yourself. Today we continue our study of Ps. 139. 1. What are some words to describe God…

  • Apr 10 – God Sees All

    In our Last study, we learned that God knows all about us, loves us and willing to remain our friend in spite of our shortcomings. How have you been making yourself a better friend? Today we continue our study of Ps. 139. Read Psalm 139:7-12 1. What are some words to describe God if all…

  • April 3 – God Knows All

    ​What a blessing it is to have a friend. One who loves us and willing to remain our friend in spite of our shortcomings. Jesus our creator is such a friend. This month we are learning from Psalm 139 of God’s intimacy, care and desired friendship through the pen of David, a man after God’s…