Oct 23 – Spiritual time management 2

Today, in this generation, we are very busy. From the moment, we wake up till we go to sleep (even when we are asleep), WE ARE BUSY. We often spend our time on two categories of tasks; Important and Urgent Tasks. In our Study today, we would be examining Time Management from Jesus perspective. May we all be open to Divine wisdom, through the Holy Spirit, in Jesus Name.

Focus Verse: Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? – JESUS –(Mat 6:25 )

In the text above, Jesus was talking about Time management in our Daily task which can lead to Anxiety and depression, expressions of the emotion of fear.

Depression: Clinging to events of the past or dwelling on what happened long ago, which are not happening now, this will lead to depression.

Anxiety: Feeling worried, nervous, or uneasy, in your now, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome , this will lead to anxiety.

Important or Urgent Task. Which makes you Effective or Efficient?

  • How would you describe an Important task and an Urgent Task?
  • How would you describe being Efficient and being Effective?
  • Which task, Important or Urgent, makes you effective or Efficient?
  • What is the mindset of an Efficient person vs Effective person?
  • Which is the mode of response of both above? Proactive or Reactive?

Final Thoughts:How much time are you spending on Urgent Task and Important Task? Are you trading effectiveness for efficiency? Are you paying attention to task that “shines” the light in you or that “covers up” the light in you?

***Next week, we would be concluding the study by looking into accomplishing purpose in time management***