Oct 16 – Spiritual time management

Today, we will be looking into spiritual time management in the context of opening doors which is the theme for the month.

Opening door literally means having a door opened. We know once we say we have a door open, it means we are giving access to someone or something to come in.

Time on the other hand they say is money. Time is a commodity that has been given to us but how we decide to use that commodity called ‘time’ is very important and it is left to us.

Bible verses: Matthew 6: 22-23; Proverbs 4:23; Luke 6:45

We will be attempting to answer the questions below to see the things that we might have opened the door to which has been taking up the time and space in our lives and ways by which we can put to better use our time moving forward and prevent unwanted things coming in through the doors we left opened.

  • How do you spend your time?
  • What are the things you give your time too?
  • Why do you give your time to those things?
  • Are there things you find yourself giving your time to that aren’t important?
  • Do you have control over the things you give your time to or do those things have control over you?
  • How are you able to control yourself not to allow those things take precedence over the things that really requires your time?
  • Do the things you give your time to nourish you or deplete you?


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