Read Mat 12:33-37,
Introduction: Today we are going to firstly, highlight how we THINKabout a situation impacts how we FEELabout it which impacts our BEHAVIOR. Secondly we are going to explore how thinking about a situation in a different way can change the whole experience of our feeling and behavior.
- What are thoughts?
- What are feelings?
- What is the difference between thinking and feeling?
- How can we become aware of our thoughts and feelings?
- Is it wrong to judge people based on my feelings about them?
- Can I learn how someone else feels by listening to their words?
Our thoughts have a direct impact on our actions and behavior. Thoughts influence how we feel inside. Negative thoughts can lead to negative emotions, hence hindering us from taking action or trying new things, while positive thoughts can promote happiness and well-being hence motivating us to pursue our goals.
Read Prov 4:23, Rom 12:1-2 .
How do you guard you heart from negative feelings?
- Catch it -What is the thought behind the feeling?
- Check it : Is this accurate? Is this thought helpful to me
- Change it: What are more accurate, more helpful thoughts
Further reading: James 1:19, Prov 14:29, Prov. 15:18, Prov 19:11