Sept.18 – The Renew Mind Part 3

Today we are examining the main thrust of the teaching of Christ Jesus with regards to Religious beliefs and Spirituality.In John 6:6:63-64, Jesus said to His disciples, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. But there are some of you who do not believe.” By the end of this study we should be able answer the questions below and more, on Religion and Spirituality.

Main Text: John 4:19-26

Further reading : Mat 15:1-20, James 1:26-27

Worship within the context of Divinity can be described as to have or show a strong feeling of respect and admiration for God.

  • · What do you think is the source of Religion?
  • · What do you think is the source of Spirituality?
  • · What are the Pros and Cons of Religion, and Spirituality?
  • · How does a Religiously minded person think and behave?
  • · How does a Spiritually minded person think and behave?
  • · Should you be Religiously minded or Spiritually minded?
  • · What is the relationship between Religion and Spirituality?

What do you think Jesus was talking about, concerning Worship of God and mode of Worship?

Final Thoughts

The kingdom of heaven advances with love, patience, kindness, forgiveness, grace, and mercy. When we set up restrictions, walls, fences, regulations, boundaries, and creeds, based on our Religious beliefs and rituals, which are designed to keep people “believers”, in line but make it difficult for “unbelievers” come in, we are not advancing Spiritual Truth of the kingdom of God, but rather advancing Religious beliefs, which is limiting.