Aug14- Change:The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Introduction: Christians profess that their religion is based on Jesus Christ and all claim that their doctrines are based on what He said and did 2,000 years ago.

Today we are going to be examining the doctrines we have been taught and see how well they align with the teachings of Jesus Christ. What is the meaning of the word Gospel? What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ? What is the core message? Was it only about Himself?God bless us all with enlightenment as we study today.

1. What was the core of the message that Jesus proclaimed? Mark 1:14-15, Matt 4:15-17; Matt 9:35, Luke 4:42-43

2. What do you understand by Jesus declaration in Luke 4:18-19

3. : Who / what is your source of the message of the Kingdom of God/Heaven? Matt 16:13-19

4. What was Jesus final commandment to His disciples? Matthew 28:18-20 – ‘

5. Name some of the things Jesus commanded His Disciples. Mat 22:34-40, Mat 5:43-48, John 15:14-17

Final thoughts : Read Hebrews 12:1-2-:

1. Who are the witnesses?

2. What are the weight and sins that easily ensnares us

3. What does it say about your Source?

John 15:7 Are you as a Christian talking more about the name of Jesus Christ, but abandoning His message?