Aug07 – Change:Transforming Your Life to God’s Way

Are you tired of how things are going in your own life or life around you? Do you see the need for change, but wonder what to do?

Change comes only when we begin to think radically differently. Apostle Paul suggested a radical or revolutionary way of thinking in Rom.12:2 saying ‘And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that Good and Acceptable and Perfect Will of God.’

Today we are looking at proving the G.A.P. Will of God.

Text: John 1:1-17

  1. Who or What or Where, is the source of all things? (John 1:1-3, )?
  2. Who or What or Where, is the source of Mankind? (John 1:4,9)
  3. Look again at John 1:6-8: John was sent by God to be Witness. What does it mean to witness?
  4. What is the first step into knowing the Will of God? (John 1:10-13)
  5. What did John mean by the declaration in John 1:15?
  6. What is the difference between the gifts of Moses and Jesus Christ to Mankind?
  7. What is John 1:18 saying to you?

Summary: Read :Act 17:24-28, Rom 8:27-28,

Who or What or Where is your source of the knowledge of the Will of God?

Next Lesson: Change:The Gospel of Jesus Christ