August 2024 – Change

Welcome to August 2024, the month of Change.

The wind of change is already blowing and It is coming in your direction. It’s impact on you is your choice. The goal of the wind of change is to bring about, A CHANGE.

There are two type of changes;

  • That which happens to you
  • That which happens around you.

The only goal of change is to move you on in the journey of life. You cannot stop change. Nature itself tells us about change. Morning afternoon and night time. Infant, toddler, youth, adult, old age. Life and death. Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring.

While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. – (Gen 8:22)

Change is inevitable. When you come to the realization of this truth, then your response to it will determine the benefit you derive from it.  Your response could be any of the following (R.R.I.P.A)

  1. Reject and Resist it.
  2. Ignore it.
  3. Prepare and Adjust to it.

If you are unprepared you will most likely Resist and Reject it. Your resistance will cost you your strength, emotion, peace of mind and you will be deformed.

If you are unaware of change you will definitely, Ignore it. You will be cheated and abused. You will be in darkness.

3. If you Prepare for change, then you will receive it and adjust accordingly. You will be at peace with change and it will Reform and Transform you.