July 17 – Accountability

Responsibility implies accountability! It is a very dangerous approach to life to refuse to be accountable or responsible. Today we are examining the effects of refusing to accept responsibility for some undesirable events or outcomes in life, for all.

Text: Gen 3:1-13

  1. How would you describe Accountability and Responsibility?
  2. What is the relationship between Accountability and Responsibility?
  3. From the Scripture read, what was the God assigned responsibility to Man?
  4. Why and how did Man fail in their assigned responsibility?

Accountability and the Blame Game

The blame game signifies accusations exchanged among people who refuse to accept responsibility for some undesirable events or outcomes. These people shift fault and liability to another person or thing while they paint themselves as flawless.

  1. Why didn’t Adam take responsibility for his actions but blamed Eve instead?
  2. Why didn’t Eve take responsibility for her actions but blamed the serpent instead?
  3. Why didn’t God ask the Serpent for its role?
  4. What do you think could have been the effect on mankind if Adam had made himself accountable for his action?


You are part of a team assigned a responsibility. Unfortunately the assigned task was not accomplished. What do you do? Blame others or hold yourself accountable for your role in the assigned task?

Next week we are looking at Responsibility in Conflict Resolution.