July 10 – Developing the character of Responsibility

Having a sense of Responsibility is being aware of your obligations. Today we would be examining Mat. 25:14-30 which describes the Character traits of have a personal sense of Responsibility. At the end of the study each one of us should be able to answer the following question.

  • How do I exhibit Responsibility in my daily life?
  • What can I do to develop a mindset to accept what I do and take responsibility for it, even if it hurts?
  • What blocks me from being Responsible?
  • How can I make Responsibility function better, stronger, and faster, even in times of uncertainly and stress?

God bless us all as we study in Jesus Name.

Text: Mat 25:14-30

  1. What was required of each of the men given talents and what was expected of them?
  2. What is the difference between Obligation and Responsibility?
  3. How would you describe the sense of Responsibility of each of the men given talents? How did they act?
  4. What was (if any) the problem with the man with one talent?


Which of the questions on personal responsibility would you be able to answer now?

Next week we are looking into Responsibility and accountability.