May 22 – Sharing God’s Comfort

Share a time you were sick as a child. What act of care did you most appreciate?

[Read 2 Cor. 1:1-11]

Paul’s difficulties led him to depend all the more on God.

1. How is God described…what attributes are mentioned here?

2. By whom have you seen these attributes of God played out in your family or friendships?

3. What is Paul facing that would cause him to despair even of life? (7:5-7)

4. What’s the relationship between God’s ability to comfort us and our ability to comfort others? (v.5)

5. Do challenging times tend to drive you towards or away from God? Explain.

6. What despairing experiences have you encountered? And how did you experience the comfort of God?

7. Who do you know who is facing challenging times? How might you pray for them?

8. What are ways we might be able to express care and God’s comfort to others who are hurting?

Wrap up:

Is there someone God has placed on your heart to reach out to comfort?