May 15 – God in the Midst of Brokenness

Read Romans 8:18-39

1. Talk about some present sufferings all of society is experiencing. And sufferings Christians are experiencing for their faith.

2. What might a world like ours be like if there were no more death and decay?

3. When have you felt a “groaning” in your spirit to see the final victory over sin and death?

4. What comfort do you get from knowing the Holy Spirit ‘intercedes’ on our behalf when we don’t know how to pray? Share a time when you didn’t know how to pray and the Holy Spirit comforted you.

5. What confidence does verse 28 give you when bad things happen?

6. What are 5 things God has already done for you that are listed in ver. 29-30?

7. What comfort can we take from the promises in ver. 31-38?

8. What was the closest you felt despair and loneliness of being separated from God?

9. What’s the difference between the hope of a Christian and wishful thinking?

Wrap up:

How can we pray God’s comfort and hope for one another?


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